A combined weight of....

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wow- So Pete and I weighed in yesterday and this was our results.....

For a combined weight of  547.6 OMG!!! We are more than a quater TON!  Yikes. So we weighed in and ate healthy all day. We didn't do any "proclaimed" exercising, but we did do alot of mall walking. We just got his iPod ( Nike + ) calibrated so we are about to go out for a walk. Then we will head back in for lunch. So far so good!! I have some Before pictures I am going to post later as well. we weighed in yesterday because it was the first, our start day BUT our normal weigh in is going to be Sunday morning. So- we will go ahead and weigh in again tomorrow and we will see what our 2 days have done for us. Will update later. So we went this afternoon and walked the mall. It was WAY too cold to walk outside. So- we went to the mall and did it- AS A FAMILY! We did 1.17 miles. It's a start!!! We have eaten very clean and healthy all day again today. So hopefully tomorrow there will be a change on the scale for just our 2 day span. Off to cook dinner- broiled tiliapia brown rice and fresh corn on the cob!! Ice Water!




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