Dedication :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

So today was the day that our little "routine" got a little un-routine! Pete has been off work for 3 weeks on vacation/holiday and things have been great. Well- he went back to work today. So our new midday walk didn't happen because I was at home and he was at work. So I did a steady jog around the house (inside) and some aerobic type exercise ( stepper ) so when Pete got off of work we decided that he HAD to do some sort of exercise because things are not going to change. Today's situation is going to be the same situation all week. ( Normally we'd just go on outside and walk as a family but its COLD and DARK already) So- since I had already done some exercising today Pete was such a TROOPER and went out and walked VERY briskly a MILE and it was only 15 degrees outside!!!!! I am so so so proud of him. He is doing amazing. And of course I took a picture, bless his heart- when he came in his face was RED and his glasses were fogggy :) We both stayed RIGHT on target with food as well!! Hope everyone is great!

Sam & Pete




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